張貼者: 名筆
張貼時間: 2012/12/31
回應者: FrankYueh
回應時間: 2012/12/31
引用-Complete Koxx Foxx 20" custom built kids trials bike, featuring a range of top quality parts from brands such as Echo and Try-All. Due to it's scaled down geometry, this bike is suitable for riders between 1.20-1.50m
回應者: FrankYueh
回應時間: 2012/12/31
引用 名筆 的文章-可是看起來好像跟20吋的小攀岩車差不多而且好帥喔ㄏㄏ所以我170公分就不適合了喔還好我還沒買謝囉
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- [2015/12/12]