this is cool and prety cheap. lol. i should of though of this, could of make allot of money. this chain tensioner fits all bikes and all chains

At my last job we looked into using a chain tensioner like this on a bicycle. It didn't work because of the chain stays where in the way. I don't think this is a good option.
hi Gordon,

the 2 wheels chain tensionners I was talking to you is like that :


I guess it s the best to have a good tension....  [看更多]
Gordon (國棟) 張貼於 2009/04/30
this is very interesting. i like how the back fork angle is very small and the seat stay is very low to the frame. it looks like a cross between a monty 231 and a CZAR 20"

Frame looks good and the price is wooooooow when compared to a Neon bow 26.
不過補強好像比較仔細一點 ....
ㄚ龍 張貼於 2009/04/28
我現在是用ECHO的那款 明顯的比較低 而且伸出較長
所以....打算來換掰歐尼克看看 這樣墊圈就可以拿掉了 反應也會更直接

你可以換160mm, 會穩很多, 也可能讓你比較好爆發.
Kevin 張貼於 2009/04/24
It will run out a great fortune just because the pads thing and disc thing.

Is your disc brand "BOSCH"? made in Germany.

When the brake make a braking noise, is that true the greater noise means more powerful brake?
the rotor is a ashima from taiwan. they do a lot of oem for other companies, such as rockman bikes. you may see them with different branding here and there.

as for the rotor noise, it depends on the type of noise. if you're brake...  [看更多]