We just received a big order from rockman, and they included some new goodies for my bike. I'm also testing a new revision of the spade prototype fork. The last one i had broke very quickly, likely due to the internally butted steerer...  (看全文)
Well, i think the biggest problem is the feasibility. If they do make a new fork with a tapered steerer, all the old frames would be useless. Also, the trials market is very small, and I'm not sure the reception of the new technology...  [看更多]
If a bike is of the best quality, people will still buy it even the parts are not interchangeable with others as long as they can still buy the parts from the maker.

Some people want scarcity and high price of a product because...  [看更多]
niwlen 張貼於 2010/04/22
My new bike! 8.86kg.. =( Will have to change some parts soon.
Frank frank... u must try to ride a SLATE!!........
yea! i really want to, but i choose to save money first. maybe after i crack my FANS...
Kevin 張貼於 2010/05/28

2 geos available. one with 72 degree headangle, and one with 70.5. check out the photos of adam's prototype!
在還沒有得心應手時 通常新手(指我啦)會用力過大而手酸痛 但這是小事 馬上休息就可以 最可怕的是 起了水泡還不自知 , 所以....



剪下1.5的內胎約3公...  (看全文)
初學時 ,一般正手(跟正腳同一邊)比較容易起水泡 ,反手好些 ,
因為通常正手在正腳踩踏時 , 同時要把把手拉起,翹車頭 ,
反手則不須太用力 ,只需輔助維持平衡就好 ,
兩手施力是不平均的 .