ADAMANT 2009 first frame, a 24" trials street bike frame. available now.

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到時有quote和spec可以也share給我一份嗎? 感激不盡.
Kevin 張貼於 2009/09/30
neon sent me this born 24" prototype to test. the 26 and 20 born frames will carry over the same tube design. you can't tell from the picture, but the downtube and the seat stays seem to be hydroformed, and have a peculiar...  (看全文)
As I saw from the Internet that some sick trial riders have already changed to BMX riders...
What a change...
actually, this neon one is probably better for tgs style riding than any of the other frames available. they also have another version that is better for street.

if you want ill sell it to you ;)
這是我用雕刻刀 一刀 一刀 刻出來的


關於 Monty 219 FR 後輪軸的綠色小"拉鍊器"........

那個一片有四個洞...好像只有一個洞可以合.......  [看更多]
在拆腿的時候就有種說不出的感覺.不過情況輕微...  [看更多]
"玩攀岩車本來就有一堆麻煩, 要保持車況良好就不能怕麻煩, 太懶惰乾脆就不要玩!"

這一段馬克名言話雖然講得有點重, 但可是語重心長.

攀岩車的玩法對車子的狀況本來就要求很高, 器材有...  [看更多]