


所以劃質不太好....  [看更多]
i dont think i can teach in mandarin though
Yeah, I knew you’ll come to Toronto from your forum. I was too shy to ask if you could spare some time with rookies. I think you’re going to the Raccoon Rally that week end too? If you guys come out at the evening...  [看更多]
nothing special, just a short video from yesterday's ride. it started raining towards the end of the video
the band &song name?
沒有TGS的攀岩車比賽會是怎樣.原來不需要TGS技巧也可以享受攀岩車比賽。Frank大大和老K會長可以想想安排這一類比賽來鼓勵新手,讓新手們早一些享受比賽的樂趣.片子又長又舊,...  [看更多]
攀岩車的車架幾何跟騎乘的難易度有很大的關係, 角度不好的車子會使車子變得很難操控, 尤其是早期的產品更是難騎, 類似現在拿登山車來騎攀岩車動作一樣的效果.