my first natural ride on the kortz. the bike handles very well, and is still very stable despite the higher bb. it didn't take long to get used to.

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礙於打電話大家都沒有出遊的意願之情況下, 在我極度飢渴之情況下, 近水救不了遠火, 因而自行騎著機車載著車子前往遠在比淡水還遠的麟山鼻. 就這樣, 一天下來騎的算滿順的, 加上換上...  (看全文)
i broke that fork:P
哈哈哈 馬克大的第一封回應 真是好玩 哈哈哈 不過 海是馬克大的領域 不能亂搞笑...
Thomas Oehler 回到了波士頓的學校
他的KTM哩?? 怎麼消失了???
Im leaving for kamloops today, but I was itching to ride the new bike, so I went downtown with my tripod and filmed a couple of clips. everything was done first try other than the lines at the fountain. The bike feels very dialed...  [看更多]
i want it
can you give me
Download Link (please save the file, don't stream)