Someone so good like me only get the really best! of course the meaning this having only monty! is having traditional and many old legend like a chinese dragon. this bicycle obtain super very good quality! you must looking at the beauty of...  (看全文)
10/07, 今天老師咪停取消所以即興的一個練車, 就決定回去上次那個啥都沒騎到且斷鼻的地方重新來過...

這次純脆只是來這邊練車, 所以影片就都是隨機拍的, 記錄記錄.

youtube網址後面還給我"QQ...  (看全文)
版主 我現想到1個很實際也很爛的問題 老師一溜 你就趕緊去跳石頭 那以後你當兵 怎辦呢 總不能 班長一喊解散 你就...
He insisted on cutting my pedals to see how light we could get them. the final weight is 210g for the pair. It looks scary as hell, but apparently Adrian rode his mg-1 like this for over 6 months. We'll see....

I'll make sure...  (看全文)
鋸 + 銼 + 磨 + 其他.....

未來的市場將會出現一種 K1 牌踏板, 軸心當然是鈦合金, 名稱叫做 變形蟲.
i actually think without the middle part, the pedal has more gril. i can flex the center of my foot into the pedal more.
小武 張貼於 2010/10/03
用攀岩車爬樓梯爬了48樓 只花18分 肌耐力真強...
maybe yoy guys should try that with taipei 101 lol hehe
That's my plan 10 years ago, but now!!?? If my physical could be return to .....