主食是練"攀岩車", 除此之外還可以學"日文"這副食品, 是這樣嗎?? 哈!!
這種超級高手真是超變態的, 看過現場就知道, 他機乎可以在我們要停很久才過的地型上, 只要推幾下, 跳幾下, 輕輕鬆鬆過!!
很多我們都想不到的過障礙方式, 那種順暢度, 天阿!! 就算是歐洲佬, 搞不好都被扒假的...
看了他這段影片, 有一種強烈的直覺, 他們日本人在練車, 以經不單單是挑天然的岩石就好, 是把岩石的種類再分兩個層次, 一個是不會滑也沒有土的岩場, 第二個就是會滑且有土有草的極度姬八地型!
像我們這種都還在練前者, 對他們來講是不想再練的地型, 而他們那種, 早就在專攻後者最屌的地型!!!
只能說, 精益求精....... 猛者!!
再view 一下 , which is called " Effortless Mastery". So smoooooooooooooooooth !
I should call him ' Jedi Terai'.
翹痔 Lucaz 應該會找他拍 ' STAR WAR' 第ㄑ集
那時'絕地武士' 都騎'攀岩車" !!!
昨天突然想到請日本友人看此短片 順便解釋一下 ! 大意如下 ***** !
看ㄌ之後 不僅佩服他 連他爸都想給他拍拍手 !!!!
The ninth year has come for Terai who will be soon 21 years old. Bike trial is a sport to compete how long you can run without stepping your feet on the ground in nature. It is a fighting against nature and yourself using a bicycle. It is said that Terai's run is the most beautiful ride in the world.
Spain, France,
Terai won and became the second position in the world.
One month later from the race, Terai was invited by children. They fight the race in nature which is as it is.
What you fight against is things and nature. It is always not possible to carry out the race(or riding) as I mage. so, I practice a lot to be closer to the image I have. I do my best to adjust my situation. In order to make a balance, I practice. Practice make a good balance.
Timing is important.
When he was small, he liked to ride a bike. He rode bike in rice fields, bushes, and slopes. Nature does no spoil children. He got injured many times, but he never gave up.
(two kids appear)
First day is over and we started to prepare a tent. We move over 10,000 km in one season. Thus, we stay in a tent once a month. we spend time together with our bikes and nature. Thsi si also a wonderful part of the bike trial.
After practice;
Everyone is smiling. all, both adults and children, are together and become one as one family.
One man says that he practices 3-4 hours on weekends, That is only 15 mins. per day. ...you cannot be better just ride a long time, but quality.
the second day,
three kids,
Today, the practice will be harder than yesterday.
When he practices very difficult places, his father is always with him.
A minder is with the racer, a minder supports the rider by letting the rider know time and places where the rider hardly can see. The role of the minder is a key of the race. Sometimes top riders hire a professional or special minder, however, for Terai, Terai's father play the role of a minder. His father supports him as someone who can understand him very well beyond the relationship between father and son.
Kiyoshi Trai (Terai's father):
Some people says parents cannot do anything, but an athletes needs a trainer in any kinds of sports. Someone needs to make a list of training method. To stay home and relax is easy for me, but it is not fun, and my son is eager to practice bike trial. so, I would like to support him as much as I can.
If I do not have good relationship with my family, it is hard in the race and it is not fun during the race period. so I think that having a good relationship with my family is important and I know that my family is supporting me. Otherwise, it is not possible to continue this sport. When moving place to place for races in a car, I talk a lot with my father (parents). we discuss about the race, check the race after the race, and talk about all stories at the race together. Compare to other friends in may age, I have much more chances to talk to my father (parents).
Terai practiced the hardest course for a race which comes following year.
The young man who is about to reach the top racer in the world learned a lot through this sport. Helearned severe nature and to face nature, not giving up and joy of controlling things, and supports from friends and his family.
Bike trial rider, Kazuki Terai.