does anyone know of this kind of rim? it has dis breaks almost as big as the rim. take a look

It's most likely a genius' prototype since every bike maker knows it is not a practical design.
cool~~~i like it!! XDDDD

but its adapter is soooo big

i think it isn't strong enough =口=
Gordon (國棟) 張貼於 2009/03/19
hey take a look and tell me what you guys think.

非常強... 比我強多了... Q__Q
果然 平衡 一直練是要的...
平衡實在是進步太多了= =!!!
我輸了 ! 進步超多~平衡!
扒豆妖 張貼於 2009/03/22
我是初入門嫩咖新人 敝姓李 歲數跟老k差不多 就叫我老李好了{雖然我覺得自己還不老 呵呵...}
用登山車練了2個多月定竿 會一點點定竿平跳勾後輪 也漸漸玩出興趣 前幾天向馬克...  [看更多]
很高興又見到“老“字輩玩攀岩車,恭喜~恭喜~有機會的話 希望能與tony大大交流一下 請多請教
馬克兄 我也想去 只是要事在身 殘念.......